
Study of Basic Materials of Construction

Traditionally, Man is using natural materials as primary building materials. Mud, stone, wood, sand are the first materials explored in the historic times.

Introduction & Composition of Mud
Application in Building Construction
Characteristics of Mud
Formation and types of Rocks
Mud Preparation Process - Extraction to Dressing
Parameters of Mud
Properties and Characteristics of Mud
Introduction of Sand as a Material
Sources of Sand
Classification and Grading of Sand
Uses of Sand
Properties & Tests
Bulking of Sand

Traditionally, Man is using natural materials as primary building materials. Mud, stone, wood, sand are the first materials explored in the historic times. They are used in their natural form. Basic building materials support the local climate and ecology of a place. They are easily and abundantly available.

Earth when mixed with water forming plastic form which has high elasticity is termed as Mud.

Mud as a Building Material:
Earth or Mud, when used as a building material, is often given different names.Mostly it is referred to its technical terms as “Loam”. Loam is a mixture of silt (very fine sand), clay, sand, and sometimes larger aggregates like stones or gravel.

Stone is a highly durable, low maintenance building material with high thermal mass. It is versatile, available in many shapes, sizes, colours and textures, and can be used for floors, walls, arches and roofs. Stone blends well with the natural landscape, and can easily be recycled for other building purposes.

Sand is a naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. The most common constituent of sand is silica (silicon dioxide or SiO2), usually, in the form of quartz. It is formed by weathering of rock.

Different construction work needs different quality of sand. Sand is widely used in Brick work, Plastering work and Concreting work.

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