Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
In this course we will learn about Rain Water Harvesting & Storm Water Management.
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Rs. 500
Rs. 350
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials, generated from human activities in residential, industrial, or commercial areas.
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Rs. 500
Rs. 350
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
In this course we will learn about Sewage disposal.
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Rs. 500
Rs. 350
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
In this IDEAMOOC we will learn about sewage system within the building.
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Rs. 500
Rs. 350
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
In this course we will learn about Internal plumbing.
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Rs. 500
Rs. 350
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Water is one of the essential requirements for life. All living things need water for their survival. Water is used for a variety of purposes, incl...
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Rs. 500
Rs. 350
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Technology > Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Firefighting is the act of attempting to prevent the spread of and extinguish significant unwanted fires.
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Rs. 500
Rs. 350