
Services: Acoustics

Services: Acoustics
8 Weeks
Rs. 1,600 Rs. 1,200
Welcome to IDEAMOOCS. This IDEAMOOC comprises of four courses on Acoustics. Reverberation Time and Design Applications In an enclosed space, every ...
8 Weeks
Rs. 1,600 Rs. 1,200
Services: Acoustics
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400
In an enclosed space, every incident sound is heard many times over.
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400
Services: Acoustics
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400
In this course we will learn more about the path sound takes. The sound travels through a medium in the form of spherical pressure waves. We have a...
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400
Services: Acoustics
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400
In this course we will try to understand how to keep all undesirable sounds away or prevent them from reaching the listener. All unwanted sounds ar...
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400
Services: Acoustics
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400
Acoustics is the science concerned with sound. It is concerned with so many different aspects of sound.
2 Weeks
Rs. 550 Rs. 400