Urban Morphology
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Morphology is the study of how things are put together. It can be applied to any branch from biology, zoology, geography, politics, linguistics to even Urban Design. It can be made applicable to animals and plants, words, sentences, and our cities.
In morphology, the word part
Morph- means “form” and ology means “the study of.“
Study how something is made or formed
All things where there is a composition of smaller things to form something bigger To put it in more technical terms, when we are studying how things are put together we are studying the form and structure of the case into consideration. We also study how these things work in coordination and harmony with each other for sustenance of form and structure of the case in consideration
Urban morphology refers to the study of urban form. It is a study of the form of human settlements. It focuses on the process of formation and transformation of urban forms of cities, towns, and villages over time. Study of spatial patterns at different scales; and physical characteristics that lend character to a city. It is an analysis of physical form which focuses on the pattern of the street, block, and buildings, open spaces which are collectively referred to collectively as urban grain – coarse or fine
Urban fabric – dense or sparse
Urban texture – smooth or rough
Urban structure-form of structure
The concepts and approaches to the study of urban form can be multidisciplinary. A city can be studied from numerous different perspectives. These range from relevant subject fields ranging from human anthropology, urban planning, urban design, architecture, and sociology to cultural studies. The earliest influential study of urban form was probably the Nolli Map of Rome produced by Giambattista Nolli in 1748 which vividly represented the spatial structure of the city.