Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
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Thesis is a statement or theory that is the premise to be accepted or proved. Dissertation is a formally written long essay that demonstrates a student’s ability to conduct research which can make original contribution to theory or practice.
The word thesis comes from a Greek word ‘tithenai’ which means to place a proposition, or to put forth something. And this refers to intellectual proposition. Aristotle was the first philosopher to define the term thesis. Aristotle meant it as a contradiction with the general opinion or to express disagreement with other philosophers.
The word dissertation comes from the Latin word dissertatio which means discussion. It is a report on a research project or study or an extended analysis a topic.
The structure of the dissertation explains its purpose, related literature on the topic, the methods used to find the data and ends with the findings of the project. Usually universities prefer a multiple chapters format which are roughly divided as follows:
Introduction : It introduces the topic, the methodology employed and its scope and significance.
Literature Review : Reviewing related literature on the topic and how this supports the research issue.
Methodology : This chapter explains how the research has been designed and why the methods used for research have been chosen.
Findings : This chapter outlines the findings of the research.
Analysis and Discussion : Analyzing the findings and discussing them in the context of literature review. Sometimes this chapter is divided into two chapters: Analysis and Discussion.
Conclusion : This chapter shows the judgement or conclusion reached by the research.