Roman Civilization
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The foundation of Rome is of little certainty, but it may so have happened after the expulsion of the Etruscan Kings, Rome that we know of today gradually assumed leadership of several different settlements across the Italian peninsula. In the early times of Etruria, these chieftains dwelt in the peninsula speculated by historians to be the descendants of the Aryan tribe. They appear to have been settled in the peninsula before the stories of “Romulus and Remus”. Whereas in the southern side the Greeks had their colonies formulated included by the name of “Magna Graecia”. But it is been confirmed by the historians that the Greeks and the Romans split up into different nations among themselves as they had philosophical and fundamental differences in lifestyle. The common form of government in Italy may have resemblances to that of the Greeks, consisting of multiple towns or districts joined together in leagues. This gradually led to the expanding influence and dominance of Rome. It is known to have conquered its rivals, defeating Carthage in 146 BCE, Macedonia in 168 BCE. The Ancient Roman Civilization is divided broadly into three Periods
– The Pre Rome “the Rome before the formation of the Roman Republic” – 625 BCE to 510 BCE
– The Roman Republic lasting from – 510 BCE to 31 BCE
– The Roman Empire or the Imperial Rome – 31 BCE to 476 CE
i.e. is the most celebrated and remembered period of the Roman History. (This period begins with the death of Alexander and ends with the Roman conquest. Roman Greece is usually considered to be the period between Roman victory over the Corinthians at the Battle of Corinth in 146 BCE and the establishment of Byzantium by Constantine as the capital of the Roman Empire in 330CE)