Rate Analysis
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Before starting any construction project, we need to prepare detailed cost estimate of the project. For this purpose, we calculate the quantities of various items of construction for that project and multiply the quantities by the unit rate of construction for that item. A sum total is the Estimate which we create in the Abstract. (the process can be studied in our IDEAMOOC: Quantity surveying and estimation).
In order to determine the rate of construction of a particular item, the factors affecting the rate of that item are studied carefully and then finally a rate is decided for that item. This process of determining the rates of an item is termed as analysis of rates or rate analysis.
The rates of materials and labour vary from place to place and hence the rates of different items of works also vary from place to place. Time of construction is also a very important factor. Certain materials and /or Labourers are not available during certain times of the year like monsoons. Their rates also vary during different times of the year. Period allotted for construction is another factor. If the pace of work is faster, it usually costs more.