
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs

What is a column? Column is a vertical structural member.In a common language there are Pillars,Posts that too function the same. A small wooden or metal support is typically called a post. It is a Compression member as load acts along its longitudinal axis (Axial load). It transmits the load from ceiling/roof slab and beam, […]

What is column?
Why R.C.C. Column?
Types of R.C.C. column
Construction of R.C.C. Columns
What is Beam?
Why R.C.C. Beam?
Types of R.C.C. Beams
Construction of R.C.C. Beams
What is Slab?
Types of R.C.C. Slabs
Construction of R.C.C. Slabs

What is a column?
Column is a vertical structural member.In a common language there are Pillars,Posts that too function the same. A small wooden or metal support is typically called a post. It is a Compression member as load acts along its longitudinal axis (Axial load). It transmits the load from ceiling/roof slab and beam, including its self-weight to the foundation. Columns may be subjected to a pure compression load. R.C.C. columns are the most commonly used these days.

What is a Beam?
Beam is a horizontal structural element that withstands vertical loads, shear forces and bending moments.Beams transfer loads imposed along their length to their end points to walls, columns, foundations, etc.Beams are constructed .The are designed to carry transverse external loads. The loads cause bending moment, shear forces and in some cases torsion across their length.

What is a Slab?
Slab is horizontal structural element of a RCC frame.
It transfers vertical ,horizontal loads to the beams.
Depth of the slab is relatively smaller, compared to length and width.

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