
Management of the Contracts

After the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor is signed, the next stage is starting work. Before that, the Architect issues a work order to the Contractor.

Introduction to contract management
Dates of Commencement and completion
Security Deposit and Retention fund
Period for final measurement
Defects Liability period
Extension of time
Liquidated damages and delayed payment
Prime Cost and Provisional Sum
Dispute resolution

After the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor is signed, the next stage is starting work. Before that, the Architect issues a work order to the Contractor.

The contract document provides for duties of the Owner, the Contractor and the Architect, for implementation of the Contract. It also provides for the manner in which the Contractor is paid. For this purpose, an Appendix is made part of the Contract. Let us see what are the contents of the Appendix

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