
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections

In this course we will learn about Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections.
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IM IsometreicProjections

Axonometric drawing is a 3D drawing. Previously we have seen multiview drawing or orthographic projection method where we did a 3D to 2D drawing. In that, we had drawn multiview of an object or drawn different side elevations of an object and seen the details of the object in a different view.

In the axonometric view, we draw an object in 3 dimensions, where we get maximum information in one single view.
Isometric, Dimetric, and Trimetric are types of Axonometric views.

Isometric – All dimensions are in the same scale.

Dimetric – (di=2), 2 axes/dimensions foreshortened.

Trimetric – (tri=3), 3 axes/dimensions foreshortened.