
Introduction to Structural Analysis and Design

In this course we will learn about Introduction to Structural Analysis and Design.
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The theory of structure basically includes two parts.

1) Structural Analysis

2) Structural Design


The process to determine the response or behaviour of a structure under some specified loads or combinations of loads is known as structural analysis.  That is means finding out internal forces (axial force, shear force, moment), stress, strain, deflection etc. We need these data for the structural design. Structural analysis is the main tool that structural engineers use to assure that a structure can withstand various types of forces that it will encounter during its normal operation. It is used to predict the behaviour of the structure upon loads acting on them. Designer using their knowledge and experience creates a structural model to meet both the spatial and load carrying requirements. The analysis process is done by making some assumptions. In the analysis, i.e. we assume the dimensions of all the structural elements, loads, material properties, and support conditions. The sizes are generally assumed either from experience or by the thumb rule which has arrived at empirically historically. The model is then analysed to determine the internal forces and the member resistance checked.

Analysis of a structure involves it’s study from the viewpoint of its strength, stiffness, stability, and vibration and the response of all elements. Response means to find out support reactions, shear forces, bending moment, torsion, deflection, stress, strains etc. that the particular member would undergo due to the applications of loads.


The process to find out the safe, durable and economical specifications of the structure including materials, technology, geometry, the size of structural members sufficient to carry loads of structure during the life period of the structure is known as structural design. That is means finding out member steel section, cross-sectional dimension, amount of reinforcement etc. to withstand the internal forces that we have got from structural analysis.

The design process of any structure starts with the selection of materials vis a vis construction technology, and of course the structural system, which is core and most important. The choice of material depends on local availability and cost, while technology will depend on the availability of skilled manpower, and plant and machinery needed.