
Introduction to Sociology

Sociology is the scientific study of human social relationships and institutions.

Definition of Sociology
Overview of Urban sociology
Social Institutions - Concept of family
religion etc
Culture and Society - group communication
group dynamics
social interactions etc
Social Process - Cooperation
Socialization and Social Change

Introduction to Sociology;

Sociology is the scientific study of human social relationships and institutions. The purpose of learning sociology is, to understand how human action and consciousness shape and are shaped by the surrounding social, cultural and political structures. It studies the patterns of social relationships, social interactions and culture.

Sociologists examine the meanings attached to human interactions with each other. They study experiences as they unfold. Stable and changing social patterns are also observed.


Urban Sociology

Urban sociology is the study of life and human interactions in urban areas. It seeks to study the structures, environmental processes, changes and problems or issues in the urban areas. This helps to provide inputs for urban planning and policy making. It is a study of cities and their role in the development of the society.

It studies urban migration trends, demographic patterns, economics, poverty, race, relations and market trends. Sociologists like Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Ferdinand Tonnies and Georg Simmel studied and theorized the economic, social and cultural processes of urbanization and its effects on social groups, alienation, class formation as well as production and destruction of collective and individual identities.

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