
Ferrous Materials

In this IDEAMOOC we will study various types of ferrous metals, their properties, and their use in Construction.

In this IDEAMOOC we will study various types of ferrous metals, their properties, and their use in Construction.

Ferrous metals can be classified into four categories; Cast Iron, Wrought Iron, Steel, and Stainless Steel

In the periodization of human prehistory, the three-age system is normally defined as Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. The Iron age dates back to 2000 BC. The invention of Iron for making various tools and implements dates back to this period. Many archaeological evidences of tools and weapons made of iron are found in all parts of the world.

There is evidence of the use of Iron and very elaborate processes of refining the metal to suit the requirement, but we do not exactly know about these processes today. However, we know of the modern advancements in the manufacturing of Iron and its variants that have revolutionized the use of this metal in every field – from the manufacturing industry to the construction of structures. Today Iron is the most used metal in the world.

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