Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
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Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is the technology of indoor and vehicular environmental comfort. Its main aim is to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality.
Conditioning of air:
Air conditioning is that process used to create and maintain certain temperature, relative humidity and air purity conditions in indoor spaces.
Conditioning can refer to Heating or cooling as per requirement for comfort.
The provision of fresh air to an enclosure, room or buildings called ventilation. The main purpose of ventilation is to provide Comfortable conditions to the user.
What is Natural Ventilation?
Natural ventilation is the process of supplying and removing air through space by natural means it can be achieved with openable windows or vents.
Natural ventilation and air movement can be simply achieved by ‘structural controls’ as it does not depend on any form of external energy supply or mechanical installation
Why natural ventilation?
The purpose of providing natural ventilation is to achieve maximum human comfort indoor by utilizing maximum natural energy and resources
Functions of ventilation:
-The main functions of ventilation are The supply of fresh air,
-Physiological cooling,
-Removing heat from, or adding it to.