
Architect’s Role in the Profession

In this course we will learn about Architect’s Role in the Profession.

Architect as an Artist/ designer
Architect as an ideator /innovator
Architect as representative of Client
Architect as team leader/coordinator
Architect as Project Manager
Architect as a social reformer/opinion maker
Architect as an environmentalist
Architect as a technologist
Architect as a researcher
Architects role in allied professions
Architects in other roles

Architect’s Role in the Profession

Architecture is a very complex profession. The Architect has to be well versed in many fields of study. He has to play multiple roles in his professional life. It is said that an Architect has to be “a Jack of all trades and master of one, Architecture “. Depending on the scale and location of an Architects practice he has to doff many hats.

The architect has many roles to play in the profession. Let us look at them in detail.

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