
Analysis of doubly reinforced beam

In this course we will learn about Doubly reinforced beam.
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This IDEAMOOC will deal with Doubly reinforced beam.

Doubly reinforced beam:

The RCC beam in which the reinforcements are provided on both tension and compression side is known as doubly reinforced beam. The steel provided on compression side is known as compression reinforcement and it is provided to supplement the concrete in resisting compressive stresses in compression zone.

Situations where Doubly reinforced beams are used :

When the moment of resistance of singly reinforced section is less than the external moment.

When the dimensions (b×d) of the beam are restricted due to many constraints like availability of headroom, architectural or space considerations

When the external loads may occur on either face of the member i.e., the loads are alternating or reversing and may cause tension on both faces of the member.

When beams are subjected to eccentric loading, shocks or impact loads.

In the case of continuous beams or slab, the sections at supports are generally designed as doubly reinforced sections.

Compression steel is provided sometimes to reduce the deflection i.e. to increase the stiffness.