About us
Course of the day
Dissertation and Research methodology
Urban Design and planning
3D Modelling
Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Working Drawings
Architectural Journalism
Communication Skills
History of Art
User Experience Design
History of Architecture 1 (10,000 BCE to 400 CE)
History of Architecture 2 (400 CE to 1800 CE)
History of Architecture 3 (1750 CE to 2010 CE)
Social Sciences
NATA Complete Package
Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Self Test
Popular Courses
Professional Practise
Laws Of Professional Practice
Professional Practise
Specifications and Contract Management
One Month
One year
Six Months
Advanced Construction
Advanced Materials
Basic Construction
Basic Materials
Services - Mechanical Transportation
Services: Acoustics
Services: Artificial Ventilation
Services: Light, Illumination and Electricity
Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Surveying and Leveling
Anna University
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Baroque and Rococo periods
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Sciography : Point light source
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Evolution of Hindu temple towns & Vijay Nagara Style (1000CE to 1600 CE)
Construction of False Ceilings
Plaster and Pointing
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Brick Masonry
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of Swimming Pools
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Ferrous Materials
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Cladding and Insulation
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Steel structures and its Connections
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Non Ferrous Metals
Semester 05
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Acoustics complete package
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Baroque and Rococo periods
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Working Stress Method
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Semester 06
Construction of partitions
Modular Construction
Paints and Varnishes
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Roman Civilization
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 07
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Urban Planning Theories
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Urban Morphology
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Introduction to high rise buildings
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Semester 10
Easements Act
MLR code
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal (Sonepat)
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Water Supply
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Modular Construction
Plaster and Pointing
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Timber floors
Cement Concrete
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Cladding and Insulation
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Quantity surveying: super structure
Acoustics complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Setting out and Center line drawings
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Theory of Columns
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Working Stress Method
Semester 07
Semester 08
Construction of False Ceilings
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Construction of partitions
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 09
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Introduction to high rise buildings
Construction of Swimming Pools
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Super Tall Towers
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
Semester 01
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Water Supply
Mechanics of Materials
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Types of Land Surveys
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement Concrete
Semester 03
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Glass and Glass products
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of partitions
Processed wood products
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Acoustics complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Loading on Structures
Cladding and Insulation
Baroque and Rococo periods
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Acoustics and Noise Control
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Construction of False Ceilings
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Ferrous Materials
AC Systems, Layouts
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
Technical writing
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Internal Sanitation
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 07
Code of Conduct
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Modular Construction
Architect's Role in the Profession
Sewage disposal
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Sketchup: Space Creation
Urban Morphology
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 10
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
Semester 01
Components of Openings : Arches Sill Lintel Jali
Introduction to Structural Analysis and Design
Verbal Communications
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Shear Force Diagram & Bending Moment Diagram
Stresses in Beams
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Cement Concrete
Semester 03
Rain Water Harvesting & Storm Water Management
Interior Construction Details
Theory and Design of slabs
Solid Waste Management
Period of Innovation in Hindu temple Architecture(700 CE to 1000 CE)
History of Art: from 1000 BCE to 1600 CE
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and pre - Raphaelite Brotherhood
History of arts: Renaissance Baroque Rococo
Construction of partitions
Sketchup: Space Creation
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
Analysis of doubly reinforced beam
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
History of Art: River Valley Civilizations
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cladding and Insulation
Baroque and Rococo periods
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Stone Masonry Work
Semester 05
Cable structures
Mechanical Transportation - Escalators & Other travelators
Water as a landscape element
Architectural developments in Indian Subcontinent – 1947 to 1970
Mechanical Transportation-Vertical
Traditional and Vernacular systems
Design Movements from 1920 to 1950
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Documentation and Critical Appreciation
Pre-Fabricated Structures
High Rise Structures
Colonial Architecture in India till 1857
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Modular Construction
Basics of Journalism
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
AC Systems, Layouts
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Design movements from : 1940 to 1970
Modern non-conventional techniques
Acoustics complete package
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Super Tall Towers
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Site Analysis
Temporary Structures
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 07
Quantity Surveying : Building Services
Machineries Used in Construction
Curtain walls and Skylights
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Urban Planning Theories
Construction under Adverse Soil Conditions
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Composite Structures
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Construction of Swimming Pools
Visual Design and Branding Applications
User Experience Design Basics
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Retaining Structures
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Management of the Contracts
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 09
Easements Act
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Semester 10
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Semester 01
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of partitions
Plaster and Pointing
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Ferrous Materials
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Structural Properties of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 03
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Paints and Varnishes
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Retaining Structures
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Types of Land Surveys
Internal Plumbing
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Semester 05
Construction of False Ceilings
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Theory of shell structures
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Acoustics complete package
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Cladding and Insulation
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Steel structures and its Connections
Introduction to Sociology
Rate Analysis
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Introduction to high rise buildings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Construction of Swimming Pools
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Technical writing
Temporary Structures
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
MLR code
Semester 10
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Research Methodology
Semester 01
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Working Stress Method
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
Sketchup: Space Creation
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Temporary Structures
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Acoustics complete package
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Baroque and Rococo periods
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Composite Structures
Quantity surveying: super structure
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Construction of Swimming Pools
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Semester 08
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Cladding and Insulation
Glass and Glass products
Semester 09
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Technical writing
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Glass and Glass products
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Quantity surveying: super structure
Evolution of Urbanity
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Acoustics complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Cladding and Insulation
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Super Tall Towers
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Non Ferrous Metals
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Paints and Varnishes
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Effects of Industrialization
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Construction of partitions
Architect's Role in the Profession
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Management of the Contracts
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Introduction to high rise buildings
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Cladding and Insulation
Structural Properties of Materials
Temporary Structures
Research Methodology
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Technical writing
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Semester 10
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 03
Paints and Varnishes
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Cladding and Insulation
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Non Ferrous Metals
Introduction to Sociology
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
AC Systems, Layouts
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Loading on Structures
Steel structures and its Connections
Fire Fighting Systems
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Setting out and Center line drawings
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Rate Analysis
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Visual Design and Branding Applications
Modular Construction
Architect's Role in the Profession
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Municipal submission drawings
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Temporary Structures
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Manipal University
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Global Climatic Factors
Theory of beams
Mechanics of Materials
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
Timber Roofs
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Ferrous Materials
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Theory of Columns
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Temporary Structures
Timber floors
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Paints and Varnishes
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Acoustics complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Composite Climatic Zone
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Construction of partitions
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Cladding and Insulation
Management of the Contracts
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Super Tall Towers
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Introduction to high rise buildings
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Semester 09
Semester 10
Mumbai University
Semester 01
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Ferrous Materials
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Stone Masonry Work
Interpenetration of Solids
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 04
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Types of Land Surveys
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Loading on Structures
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Cladding and Insulation
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
Site Analysis
Cement Concrete
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
History of Landscape II
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Acoustics complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Glass and Glass products
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Super Tall Towers
Acoustics and Noise Control
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Working Drawings basics
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Setting out and Center line drawings
Fire Fighting Systems
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Architect's Role in the Profession
Retaining Structures
Municipal submission drawings
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Technical writing
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Technical writing
Architectural Profession
Introduction to Sociology
Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 02
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Roman Civilization
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Ferrous Materials
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Cladding and Insulation
Composite Climatic Zone
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Non Ferrous Metals
Semester 04
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 05
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Processed wood products
Construction of Swimming Pools
Paints and Varnishes
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Types of Land Surveys
Water Supply
Steel structures and its Connections
Site Analysis
Timber floors
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Setting out and Center line drawings
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Acoustics complete package
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 09
History of Landscape II
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
History of Landscape I
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 10
Technical writing
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Paints and Varnishes
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Plaster and Pointing
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Roman Civilization
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Sketchup: Space Creation
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
Retaining Structures
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Internal Plumbing
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Environment, Climate and weather
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Cladding and Insulation
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Non Ferrous Metals
Semester 05
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Setting out and Center line drawings
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Introduction to high rise buildings
Architect's Role in the Profession
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Super Tall Towers
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Technical writing
Site Analysis
Research Methodology
Semester 10
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Ferrous Materials
Loading on Structures
Mechanics of Materials
Non Ferrous Metals
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Introduction to Sociology
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Retaining Structures
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Sciography : Point light source
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Temporary Structures
Cement Concrete
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Baroque and Rococo periods
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Semester 04
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Semester 05
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Glass and Glass products
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Fire Fighting Systems
Site Analysis
Management of the Contracts
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Introduction to high rise buildings
Acoustics complete package
Cladding and Insulation
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Construction of partitions
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Semester 10
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
RashtrasantTukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Site Analysis
Timber floors
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
History of Landscape I
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Ferrous Materials
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Non Ferrous Metals
Temporary Structures
Working Stress Method
Effects of Industrialization
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Construction of Swimming Pools
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Structural Properties of Materials
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Semester 06
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Introduction to high rise buildings
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Rate Analysis
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Modular Construction
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Acoustics complete package
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Cladding and Insulation
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Semester 09
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Sardar Patel University, Gujrat
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Types of Land Surveys
Ferrous Materials
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Processed wood products
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Structural Properties of Materials
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Construction of partitions
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Semester 05
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Theory of beams
Cladding and Insulation
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Construction of Swimming Pools
Paints and Varnishes
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Super Tall Towers
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 07
Semester 08
Introduction to high rise buildings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Retaining Structures
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 10
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of partitions
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Interpenetration of Solids
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Semester 04
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Loading on Structures
Setting out and Center line drawings
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Super Tall Towers
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Setting out and Center line drawings
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Acoustics complete package
Ferrous Materials
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Non Ferrous Metals
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Quantity surveying: super structure
Evolution of Urbanity
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Cladding and Insulation
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Quantity Surveying
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Semester 10
Introduction to Sociology
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Mechanics of Materials
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Introduction to Sociology
Semester 03
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Basics of Journalism
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Roman Civilization
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Acoustics complete package
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Quantity surveying: super structure
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Fire Fighting Systems
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Theory of shell structures
Modular Construction
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Cladding and Insulation
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Setting out and Center line drawings
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Semester 09
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Code of Conduct
Semester 10
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Introduction to Sociology
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Processed wood products
Verbal Communications
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Types of Land Surveys
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Setting out and Center line drawings
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Temporary Structures
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 04
Paints and Varnishes
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Cladding and Insulation
Glass and Glass products
Fire Fighting Systems
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Theory of shell structures
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Retaining Structures
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Acoustics complete package
Ferrous Materials
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Super Tall Towers
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 06
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Construction of False Ceilings
Quantity surveying: super structure
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Baroque and Rococo periods
Steel structures and its Connections
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Introduction to high rise buildings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 08
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Semester 09
Modular Construction
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Code of Conduct
School of Planning and Architecture(SPAV), Vijayawada
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Types of Land Surveys
Ferrous Materials
Mechanics of Materials
Site Analysis
Cement and Lime
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Modular Construction
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Stone Masonry Work
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 03
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Theory of beams
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Working Stress Method
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Introduction to high rise buildings
Theory of shell structures
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Retaining Structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Cladding and Insulation
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Timber floors
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Fire Fighting Systems
Semester 06
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 07
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
History of Landscape II
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Management of the Contracts
Rate Analysis
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Shivaji University
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Mechanics of Materials
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Baroque and Rococo periods
Structural Properties of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Internal Sanitation
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Semester 04
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Processed wood products
Construction of Swimming Pools
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Retaining Structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Types of Land Surveys
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Water Supply
Theory of Columns
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cladding and Insulation
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Fire Fighting Systems
Non Ferrous Metals
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Modular Construction
Acoustics complete package
AC Systems, Layouts
Glass and Glass products
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Working Stress Method
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 07
Sewage disposal
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Steel structures and its Connections
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Technical writing
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Construction of False Ceilings
Paints and Varnishes
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Technical writing
Temporary Structures
Research Methodology
Introduction to Sociology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
The Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT)
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Environment, Climate and weather
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Paints and Varnishes
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Cladding and Insulation
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Non Ferrous Metals
Timber floors
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Construction of Swimming Pools
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Baroque and Rococo periods
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Site Analysis
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Steel structures and its Connections
Working Stress Method
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Quantity surveying: super structure
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Setting out and Center line drawings
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Processed wood products
Evolution of Urbanity
Modular Construction
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Introduction to Sociology
Rate Analysis
Quantity Surveying
Semester 08
Theory of shell structures
Retaining Structures
Temporary Structures
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 02
Theory of shell structures
Types of Land Surveys
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 03
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Paints and Varnishes
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Timber floors
Semester 04
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
Introduction to high rise buildings
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Retaining Structures
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Roman Civilization
Internal Plumbing
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Water Supply
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Glass and Glass products
Steel structures and its Connections
Fire Fighting Systems
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Baroque and Rococo periods
Introduction to Sociology
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Cladding and Insulation
AC Systems, Layouts
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Construction of False Ceilings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Modular Construction
Basics of Journalism
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Acoustics complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Semester 08
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Semester 10
NATA Complete Package
Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Self Test
NATA Preparation 30 Day Challenge
{{ search }}
Dissertation and Research methodology
Urban Design and planning
3D Modelling
Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Working Drawings
History of Architecture 1 (10,000 BCE to 400 CE)
History of Architecture 2 (400 CE to 1800 CE)
History of Architecture 3 (1750 CE to 2010 CE)
Social Sciences
NATA Complete Package
Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Self Test
Professional Practise
Laws Of Professional Practice
Professional Practise
Specifications and Contract Management
One Month
One year
Six Months
Advanced Construction
Advanced Materials
Basic Construction
Basic Materials
Services - Mechanical Transportation
Services: Acoustics
Services: Artificial Ventilation
Services: Light, Illumination and Electricity
Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Surveying and Leveling
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Course of the day
Dissertation and Research methodology
Urban Design and planning
3D Modelling
Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Working Drawings
Architectural Journalism
Communication Skills
History of Art
User Experience Design
History of Architecture 1 (10,000 BCE to 400 CE)
History of Architecture 2 (400 CE to 1800 CE)
History of Architecture 3 (1750 CE to 2010 CE)
Social Sciences
NATA Complete Package
Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Self Test
Popular Courses
Professional Practise
Laws Of Professional Practice
Professional Practise
Specifications and Contract Management
One Month
One year
Six Months
Advanced Construction
Advanced Materials
Basic Construction
Basic Materials
Services - Mechanical Transportation
Services: Acoustics
Services: Artificial Ventilation
Services: Light, Illumination and Electricity
Services: Plumbing,Sanitation and Fire fighting
Surveying and Leveling
Anna University
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Baroque and Rococo periods
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Sciography : Point light source
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Evolution of Hindu temple towns & Vijay Nagara Style (1000CE to 1600 CE)
Construction of False Ceilings
Plaster and Pointing
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Brick Masonry
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of Swimming Pools
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Ferrous Materials
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Cladding and Insulation
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Steel structures and its Connections
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Non Ferrous Metals
Semester 05
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Acoustics complete package
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Baroque and Rococo periods
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Working Stress Method
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Semester 06
Construction of partitions
Modular Construction
Paints and Varnishes
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Roman Civilization
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 07
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Urban Planning Theories
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Urban Morphology
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Introduction to high rise buildings
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Semester 10
Easements Act
MLR code
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal (Sonepat)
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Water Supply
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Modular Construction
Plaster and Pointing
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Timber floors
Cement Concrete
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Cladding and Insulation
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Quantity surveying: super structure
Acoustics complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Setting out and Center line drawings
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Theory of Columns
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Working Stress Method
Semester 07
Semester 08
Construction of False Ceilings
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Construction of partitions
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 09
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Introduction to high rise buildings
Construction of Swimming Pools
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Super Tall Towers
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow
Semester 01
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Water Supply
Mechanics of Materials
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Types of Land Surveys
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement Concrete
Semester 03
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Glass and Glass products
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of partitions
Processed wood products
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Acoustics complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Loading on Structures
Cladding and Insulation
Baroque and Rococo periods
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Acoustics and Noise Control
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Construction of False Ceilings
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Ferrous Materials
AC Systems, Layouts
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
Technical writing
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Internal Sanitation
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 07
Code of Conduct
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Modular Construction
Architect's Role in the Profession
Sewage disposal
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Sketchup: Space Creation
Urban Morphology
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 10
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University
Semester 01
Components of Openings : Arches Sill Lintel Jali
Introduction to Structural Analysis and Design
Verbal Communications
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Shear Force Diagram & Bending Moment Diagram
Stresses in Beams
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Cement Concrete
Semester 03
Rain Water Harvesting & Storm Water Management
Interior Construction Details
Theory and Design of slabs
Solid Waste Management
Period of Innovation in Hindu temple Architecture(700 CE to 1000 CE)
History of Art: from 1000 BCE to 1600 CE
Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism and pre - Raphaelite Brotherhood
History of arts: Renaissance Baroque Rococo
Construction of partitions
Sketchup: Space Creation
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
Analysis of doubly reinforced beam
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
History of Art: River Valley Civilizations
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cladding and Insulation
Baroque and Rococo periods
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Stone Masonry Work
Semester 05
Cable structures
Mechanical Transportation - Escalators & Other travelators
Water as a landscape element
Architectural developments in Indian Subcontinent – 1947 to 1970
Mechanical Transportation-Vertical
Traditional and Vernacular systems
Design Movements from 1920 to 1950
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Documentation and Critical Appreciation
Pre-Fabricated Structures
High Rise Structures
Colonial Architecture in India till 1857
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Modular Construction
Basics of Journalism
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
AC Systems, Layouts
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Design movements from : 1940 to 1970
Modern non-conventional techniques
Acoustics complete package
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Super Tall Towers
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Site Analysis
Temporary Structures
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 07
Quantity Surveying : Building Services
Machineries Used in Construction
Curtain walls and Skylights
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Urban Planning Theories
Construction under Adverse Soil Conditions
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Composite Structures
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Construction of Swimming Pools
Visual Design and Branding Applications
User Experience Design Basics
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Retaining Structures
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Management of the Contracts
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 09
Easements Act
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Semester 10
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Semester 01
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of partitions
Plaster and Pointing
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Ferrous Materials
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Structural Properties of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 03
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Paints and Varnishes
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Retaining Structures
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Types of Land Surveys
Internal Plumbing
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Semester 05
Construction of False Ceilings
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Theory of shell structures
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Acoustics complete package
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Cladding and Insulation
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Steel structures and its Connections
Introduction to Sociology
Rate Analysis
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Introduction to high rise buildings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Construction of Swimming Pools
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Technical writing
Temporary Structures
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
MLR code
Semester 10
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Research Methodology
Semester 01
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Working Stress Method
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
Sketchup: Space Creation
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Temporary Structures
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Acoustics complete package
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Baroque and Rococo periods
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Composite Structures
Quantity surveying: super structure
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Construction of Swimming Pools
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Semester 08
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Cladding and Insulation
Glass and Glass products
Semester 09
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Technical writing
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Glass and Glass products
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Quantity surveying: super structure
Evolution of Urbanity
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Acoustics complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Cladding and Insulation
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Super Tall Towers
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Non Ferrous Metals
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Paints and Varnishes
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Effects of Industrialization
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Construction of partitions
Architect's Role in the Profession
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Management of the Contracts
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Introduction to high rise buildings
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Cladding and Insulation
Structural Properties of Materials
Temporary Structures
Research Methodology
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Technical writing
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Semester 10
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 03
Paints and Varnishes
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mechanics of Materials
Cladding and Insulation
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Non Ferrous Metals
Introduction to Sociology
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Types of Land Surveys
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
AC Systems, Layouts
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Loading on Structures
Steel structures and its Connections
Fire Fighting Systems
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Setting out and Center line drawings
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Rate Analysis
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Visual Design and Branding Applications
Modular Construction
Architect's Role in the Profession
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Municipal submission drawings
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Temporary Structures
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Manipal University
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Global Climatic Factors
Theory of beams
Mechanics of Materials
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
Timber Roofs
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Ferrous Materials
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Theory of Columns
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Temporary Structures
Timber floors
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Paints and Varnishes
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Acoustics complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Composite Climatic Zone
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Construction of partitions
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Cladding and Insulation
Management of the Contracts
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Super Tall Towers
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Introduction to high rise buildings
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Semester 09
Semester 10
Mumbai University
Semester 01
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Ferrous Materials
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Stone Masonry Work
Interpenetration of Solids
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 04
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Types of Land Surveys
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Loading on Structures
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Cladding and Insulation
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
Site Analysis
Cement Concrete
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
History of Landscape II
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Acoustics complete package
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Glass and Glass products
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Super Tall Towers
Acoustics and Noise Control
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Working Drawings basics
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Setting out and Center line drawings
Fire Fighting Systems
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Architect's Role in the Profession
Retaining Structures
Municipal submission drawings
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Technical writing
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Technical writing
Architectural Profession
Introduction to Sociology
Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology
Semester 01
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 02
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Roman Civilization
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Ferrous Materials
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Cladding and Insulation
Composite Climatic Zone
Glass and Glass products
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Non Ferrous Metals
Semester 04
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 05
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Processed wood products
Construction of Swimming Pools
Paints and Varnishes
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Types of Land Surveys
Water Supply
Steel structures and its Connections
Site Analysis
Timber floors
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Setting out and Center line drawings
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Acoustics complete package
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 09
History of Landscape II
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
History of Landscape I
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 10
Technical writing
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Punjab University, Chandigarh
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Paints and Varnishes
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Plaster and Pointing
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Roman Civilization
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Sketchup: Space Creation
Sketchup: Advanced Tools
Retaining Structures
Sketchup: Basic Editing Tools
Sketchup Basics
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Internal Plumbing
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Environment, Climate and weather
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Cladding and Insulation
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Non Ferrous Metals
Semester 05
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Setting out and Center line drawings
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Introduction to high rise buildings
Architect's Role in the Profession
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Super Tall Towers
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Technical writing
Site Analysis
Research Methodology
Semester 10
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Ferrous Materials
Loading on Structures
Mechanics of Materials
Non Ferrous Metals
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Introduction to Sociology
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Retaining Structures
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Sciography : Point light source
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Temporary Structures
Cement Concrete
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Baroque and Rococo periods
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Semester 04
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Working Stress Method
Semester 05
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Glass and Glass products
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Fire Fighting Systems
Site Analysis
Management of the Contracts
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Introduction to high rise buildings
Acoustics complete package
Cladding and Insulation
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Construction of partitions
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Semester 10
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
RashtrasantTukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Site Analysis
Timber floors
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
History of Landscape I
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Ferrous Materials
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Non Ferrous Metals
Temporary Structures
Working Stress Method
Effects of Industrialization
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Construction of Swimming Pools
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Structural Properties of Materials
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Semester 06
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Introduction to high rise buildings
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Rate Analysis
Effects of Urbanization
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 07
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Modular Construction
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Acoustics complete package
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Cladding and Insulation
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Semester 09
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Sardar Patel University, Gujrat
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Types of Land Surveys
Ferrous Materials
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Processed wood products
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Structural Properties of Materials
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Construction of partitions
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Sewage disposal
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Semester 05
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Quantity surveying: super structure
Theory of shell structures
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Theory of beams
Cladding and Insulation
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Construction of False Ceilings
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Construction of Swimming Pools
Paints and Varnishes
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Super Tall Towers
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 07
Semester 08
Introduction to high rise buildings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Retaining Structures
Fire Fighting Systems
Introduction to Sociology
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 10
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of partitions
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Mechanics of Materials
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Interpenetration of Solids
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Internal Plumbing
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Baroque and Rococo periods
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Semester 04
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Loading on Structures
Setting out and Center line drawings
Glass and Glass products
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Super Tall Towers
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Setting out and Center line drawings
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Acoustics complete package
Ferrous Materials
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Non Ferrous Metals
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Quantity surveying: super structure
Evolution of Urbanity
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Cladding and Insulation
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Rate Analysis
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Quantity Surveying
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Semester 10
Introduction to Sociology
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Mechanics of Materials
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Processed wood products
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Types of Land Surveys
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Introduction to Sociology
Semester 03
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Paints and Varnishes
Basics of Journalism
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Roman Civilization
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Acoustics complete package
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Baroque and Rococo periods
Glass and Glass products
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Steel structures and its Connections
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 05
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Quantity surveying: super structure
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Retaining Structures
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Fire Fighting Systems
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Semester 06
Theory of shell structures
Modular Construction
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Cladding and Insulation
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Management of the Contracts
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Setting out and Center line drawings
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Semester 09
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Code of Conduct
Semester 10
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Mechanics of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Introduction to Sociology
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Processed wood products
Verbal Communications
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Types of Land Surveys
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Setting out and Center line drawings
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Water Supply
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Site Analysis
Temporary Structures
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Working Stress Method
Cement Concrete
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 04
Paints and Varnishes
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Cladding and Insulation
Glass and Glass products
Fire Fighting Systems
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Theory of shell structures
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Retaining Structures
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Acoustics complete package
Ferrous Materials
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Super Tall Towers
Acoustics and Noise Control
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 06
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Construction of False Ceilings
Quantity surveying: super structure
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Baroque and Rococo periods
Steel structures and its Connections
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Introduction to high rise buildings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 08
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Semester 09
Modular Construction
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Architectural Profession
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Code of Conduct
School of Planning and Architecture(SPAV), Vijayawada
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Types of Land Surveys
Ferrous Materials
Mechanics of Materials
Site Analysis
Cement and Lime
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Modular Construction
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Loading on Structures
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Composite Climatic Zone
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Stone Masonry Work
Cement Concrete
Brick Masonry
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 03
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Roman Civilization
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Theory of beams
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Non Ferrous Metals
Working Stress Method
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 04
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Introduction to high rise buildings
Theory of shell structures
Paints and Varnishes
Plaster and Pointing
Retaining Structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Water Supply
Cladding and Insulation
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Timber floors
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Setting out and Center line drawings
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Fire Fighting Systems
Semester 06
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Theory of Columns
Steel structures and its Connections
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Semester 07
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
History of Landscape II
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Management of the Contracts
Rate Analysis
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Building Contracts
Semester 08
Semester 09
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Shivaji University
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Mechanics of Materials
Stone Masonry Work
Cement and Lime
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Baroque and Rococo periods
Structural Properties of Materials
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Interpenetration of Solids
Semester 03
Internal Sanitation
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Composite Climatic Zone
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Semester 04
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Processed wood products
Construction of Swimming Pools
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Retaining Structures
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Types of Land Surveys
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Internal Plumbing
Sciography : Point light source
Water Supply
Theory of Columns
Site Analysis
Timber Roofs
Timber floors
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
History of Landscape II
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Ferrous Materials
Roman Civilization
Setting out and Center line drawings
Cladding and Insulation
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Fire Fighting Systems
Non Ferrous Metals
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 06
Construction of partitions
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Modular Construction
Acoustics complete package
AC Systems, Layouts
Glass and Glass products
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Working Stress Method
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Semester 07
Sewage disposal
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 08
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Theory of shell structures
Evolution of Urbanity
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Steel structures and its Connections
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Technical writing
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Semester 10
Construction of False Ceilings
Paints and Varnishes
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Technical writing
Temporary Structures
Research Methodology
Introduction to Sociology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
The Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT)
Semester 01
Plaster and Pointing
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Environment, Climate and weather
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Interpenetration of Solids
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Semester 02
Construction of Metal Doors & Windows
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Types of Land Surveys
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Roman Civilization
Global Climatic Factors
Sciography : Point light source
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Hot and Wet climatic zone
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 03
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Paints and Varnishes
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Internal Plumbing
Loading on Structures
Theory of beams
Water Supply
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Cladding and Insulation
Glass and Glass products
Structural Properties of Materials
Theory of Columns
Non Ferrous Metals
Timber floors
Semester 04
History of Landscape II
History of Landscape I
Construction of Swimming Pools
Analysis of singly reinforced beams by limit state method
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Baroque and Rococo periods
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Site Analysis
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Introduction to high rise buildings
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Basics of Journalism
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
AC Systems, Layouts
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Steel structures and its Connections
Working Stress Method
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
Construction of False Ceilings
Construction of partitions
Quantity surveying: super structure
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Acoustics complete package
Setting out and Center line drawings
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Fire Fighting Systems
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Building Contracts
Semester 07
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Processed wood products
Evolution of Urbanity
Modular Construction
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Introduction to Sociology
Rate Analysis
Quantity Surveying
Semester 08
Theory of shell structures
Retaining Structures
Temporary Structures
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 09
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Semester 10
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Architect's Role in the Profession
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Building Contracts
Semester 01
Processed wood products
Plaster and Pointing
Stone Ages - Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic
Plinth construction in Load bearing structures
Introduction to Building Construction Courses
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - II (Middle & New Kingdom)
Ancient Egyptian Architecture - I (Old Kingdom)
Mesopotamian Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Stone Masonry Work
Brick Masonry
Orthographic Projections
Introduction to Architectural Drawing and Graphics
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Study of Basic Materials of Construction
Construction of Doors & Windows
Semester 02
Theory of shell structures
Types of Land Surveys
Sciography : Point light source
Theory of beams
Setting out and Center line drawings
Formation of styles: Early temple architecture
Construction of Staircases and Ramps
Theory of Columns
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
RCC Staircases and Other Elements
Isometric, Axonometric and Oblique projections
Timber Roofs
Cement and Lime
Cement Concrete
Interpenetration of Solids
Study of Artificial Building Materials
Semester 03
Colonial Architecture in India – 1857 to 1947
Paints and Varnishes
Delhi Sultanates and Provincial Islamic Architecture in India
Natural Light :Theory and its application
Thermal Comfort and Bioclimatic Approach
Architecture of West Asia (Persian, Sassanian and Early Islam)
Global Climatic Factors
Loading on Structures
Environment, Climate and weather
Cold-Dry and Cold-Wet Climate
Mechanics of Materials
Composite Climatic Zone
Basic Theory- Heat and Human Comfort
Hot and Wet climatic zone
R.C.C. Columns, Beams and Slabs
Hot and Dry Climatic zone
Natural light and Natural ventilation
Introduction to RCC and RCC Footings
Timber floors
Semester 04
Quantity surveying: Framed Structure
History of Landscape II
Construction of partitions
Introduction to high rise buildings
Quantity surveying: super structure
History of Landscape I
Retaining Structures
Romanesque and Gothic Architecture
Specifications and Contracts complete package
Sewage disposal
Internal Sanitation
Rendering Techniques : Photoshop & GIMP
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture
Roman Civilization
Internal Plumbing
Aegean and Greek Civilizations
Water Supply
Artificial Ventilation-Mechanical Systems
Glass and Glass products
Steel structures and its Connections
Fire Fighting Systems
Site Analysis
Working Stress Method
Rate Analysis
Quantity surveying Load bearing upto Plinth
Quantity Surveying
Land as a Landscape Element
Factors of Landscape
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 05
Working drawings Electrical Layouts
Working Drawing: Sections and Elevations
Working Drawing: Frame structure up to Plinth
Working Drawings: Super Structure Plans
Working Drawings: Load bearing up to Plinth
Waterproofing: Application
Waterproofing: Introduction
Design movements from 1880 to 1920
Municipal submission drawings
Working Drawings basics
Physics of Light and Visual Comfort
Baroque and Rococo periods
Introduction to Sociology
Large Span Structures-Concrete & Steel
Semester 06
Introduction to Landscape Architecture
Cladding and Insulation
AC Systems, Layouts
Semester 07
Professional Associations
Architect's Professional Liability
Pile Foundations (Function Based)
Pile Foundations (Material Based)
Construction of False Ceilings
Urban Planning Theories
Urban Morphology
Evolution of Urbanity
Introduction to Architectural Journalism and Interviewing Techniques
Modular Construction
Basics of Journalism
Architect's Role in the Profession
Introduction to Human settlements and Urban Design
Acoustics complete package
Development Controls: Building Bye laws
Reverberation Time and Design Applications
Acoustics and Noise Control
Technical writing
Architectural Acoustics Basics
Management of the Contracts
Conditions of Engagement and Scale of charges
Architectural Competitions
Architectural Profession
Code of Conduct
Semester 08
Development Controls: Urban Planning
Building Repairs and Remodelling
Building Repairs: Temporary Supports
Super Tall Towers
Technical writing
Research Methodology
Topic Selection & Proposal Writing
Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Urbanization
Building Contracts
Semester 09
Semester 10
NATA Complete Package
Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
Self Test
NATA Preparation 30 Day Challenge
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October 17, 2023
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